Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The New My Pillow Pets Purple Bunny

Are you someone who loves stuffed animals, but is tired of the same thing over and over again? Many people have become tired of the same old stuffed bears, stuffed bunnies, and over classic toys for children. That is why people have started to purchase new and unique stuffed animals, with one particular brand called My Pillow Pets becoming extremely popular. One of the many pets available is a bunny that is called My Pillow Pets Purple Bunny, or My Pillow Pets Fluffy Bunny.

Purple is the perfect color for this stuffed animal. Purple is the childhood favorite of many young girls and boys alike, plus when you add it with the fact it is a bunny, young girls are going to just love it. If you are sure you want a stuffed bunny for a young boy, but are unsure about the color purple, you will always have the option of purchasing the My Pillow Pets Cream Bunny. That particular bunny has a white color that is perfect for young boys as well.

My Pillow Pets

As for the rest of this items design, you are going to get a nice looking bunny that is made out of a plush material that makes it very soft and very durable. It has a white face that is smiling, with a pink nose, and those long ears always associated with rabbits. The entire body is purple besides the face and underneath the ears, which is made of a neat multicolored fabric. This bunny is exactly the look that many kids, and many parents, want to have in an updated version of a stuffed animal.
The New My Pillow Pets Purple Bunny
Kids are going to get a great stuffed animal and pillow that they can keep in their room and use, take to other people's homes to play with, and even take on long car rides when a pillow can come in handy. Parents are getting a very durable and classic toy that has a modern twist on it. They are also getting something that is going to last a long time, but is also machine washable, making it very easy to clean, knowing that kids are going to get them dirty. That is what makes these items so popular, and it is very easy to see why these are becoming some of the most popular gifts available for children ages three and up. So if you are looking for that next great Christmas gift, this would be one great option to choose from.
The New My Pillow Pets Purple Bunny

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