We get a lot of calls concerning Dust Mites and how they affect you. Some clients even ask the question, "What is the difference between a Bed Bug and a Dust Mite? We also received that same question yesterday so I figured it was best to put it in print so the whole world can see it and understand.
The definition of a Bed Bug according to Wikipedia: A bedbug (or bed bug) is a small nocturnal insect of the family Cimicidae that lives by hematophagy, or by feeding on the blood of humans and other warm-blooded hosts.There is definitely a big difference between the two just by reading this definition. Wow, sounds like a Vampire to me. Imagine having little vampires in bed with you sucking the blood out of you.
My Pillow Pets
The definition of a Dust Mite according to Wikipedia: Dust mites feed on organic detritus such as flakes of shed human skin and flourish in the stable environment of dwellings.The good thing here is they do not suck the life out of you, only eat your dead skin after it falls off your body. Dust Mites are microscopic bugs that primarily live on dead skin cells.
Now that we know the difference, lets get into a little detail. Bed Bugs basically will bite you and take a little blood from you. Bed Bug Infestation can be cured but Dust Mite infestation can be only controlled. The current information on Bed Bugs is they are not believed to carry infectious diseases but that could change tomorrow. My first question with that idea is if they suck in blood, why would they not carry some form of disease from an infected person. The jury is still out on that, so don't worry till they discover a new disease that Bed Bugs transmit. Bed Bugs are most active at night and bite you when you are sleeping.To get rid of Bed Bugs, you have to call an exterminator.
Dust Mites on the other hand are in everyone's house. They are microscopic and live off you and your pets. Everyday, we shed skin cells off of our bodies. That is one of the reasons why everyone should have a high quality HEPA rated vacuum cleaner like the Miele. They live in your mattress, pillows and carpet. I remember one house that we tested for Allergens and the level of Dust Mites was very high in the carpet and mattress. We recommended the client remove the carpet and install tile. They also bought a new mattress and pillows. Six months later, we performed the same test and the the level had dropped to minimal.
Also, do not make your bed first thing in the morning, (my mother would cringe if she read this) pull the covers back and let the body sweat from the night before evaporate before making the bed. I do this myself and it works fine. I also put the pillows in the dryer for 20 minutes on a weekly basis. This works for me, but remember to do what your Doctor recommends first. I also have a high quality mattress cover and pillow covers too. l
In conclusion, if you have Bed Bugs, call a Natural Pest Control Exterminator and discuss your least toxic method of getting rid of the Bed Bugs. If you have Allergies or a Compromised Immune System, be sure to discuss this with your Doctor before doing anything with the exterminator. Dust Mites can be controlled by lowering the humidity below 50%. Others say higher, but our success rates have been better with the 50% level. Keep your house clean using a HEPA rated vacuum cleaner such as the Miele. Do not forget to change the vacuum cleaner bag on a regular basis. There are different chemical treatments for Dust Mites but they tend to make Allergies and Asthma worse. We do not recommend them at all due to this fact. Discuss this option with your Doctor also before using any chemicals for Dust Mites. The real key to keeping Dust Mites under control is cleaning your house once a week. If you have any questions, feel free to call us at Safe Homes Environmental Consultants (954) 531-6476 or visit our Website.
Allergies - The Difference Between Bed Bugs and Dust Mites
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