Whoever said that getting over a broken heart is easy? Have you recently experienced a personal heartbreak? Do you find yourself wondering if you will ever feel the same again?
It may be true that few people have ever died from a broken heart, but countless songwriters and poets who have described its agonies remind us that a broken heart can make us feel dead inside. No, getting back to normal is not quick or easy, but there are practical steps we can take to help put ourselves back on the road to recovery.
My Pillow Pets
Set aside grieving time.
When you are in the early stages of a break-up, it seems that all you can think about is your heartbreak. Constantly brooding over past events and regrets is not helpful in getting over a broken heart. But pushing all your feelings down inside is not the answer, either. Instead, consider giving yourself time each day to "let it all hang out." In private, you can cry and punch your pillow and allow yourself to feel the pain. Each day, make this grieving time shorter - yes, you may need to use a clock to keep yourself on schedule. Psychologists refer to this technique as implosion therapy. Having an active grief period allows for catharsis, or emotional release. And by slowly reducing these "therapy" periods, you are gradually giving less of your day to grief and more to living. Speaking of which -
Find new interests.
Getting over a broken heart and out of an emotional rut may often involve "re-inventing" your daily life. Having new activities and schedules not associated with a lost loved one can be a way to have fewer painful reminders of them. It also gives you something new to look forward to - a reason to literally throw back the covers and start the day. Think of something you have always wanted to do but never got around to. Perhaps it is taking a photography class, or going on an Alaskan cruise. Maybe it's something as simple as re-painting a room or learning how to make a soufflé. One of the best ways of getting over a broken heart is by filling your heart with new things. Mark your calendar today!
Comfort yourself.
Just like when you are coughing and sneezing with a bad cold, getting over a broken heart sometimes calls for chicken soup, warm slippers, and a good mystery novel. Think about the things that make you feel better when you are physically ill, and try to surround yourself with them during this recovery period. Seek out the people who love you unconditionally, and bask in the feeling. Take care of yourself as someone worth caring for - one of the worst side effects of heartbreak is often a feeling of unworthiness or of being unloved. Remind yourself that isn't true, and surround yourself with love. No, not a new relationship - too soon! But what about a pet? Studies show that people with pets live longer and have an overall better quality of life. Maybe the therapy you need is a puppy from your local animal shelter.
If these simple methods for getting over a broken heart do not work for you, consider professional help. Many people find that talking with an objective counselor can provide a safe environment for them to work on re-building their self-esteem and planning for a positive future.
Getting Over A Broken Heart: 3 Tips To Get Your Life Back
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