Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Why Do You Toss and Turn in Your Sleep?

You may not know that you toss and turn in your sleep until someone else tells you, unless you have an extreme case. For example, I've been known to actually roll out of my bed from time to time, or spin completely so that my feet are on my pillow and my head is at the foot of my bed. If you are aware of the problem that you or someone you know has with tossing and turning, you're probably wondering why and how to fix it.

Well, as far as why people don't rest well at night, there are a few big causes. Those are stress, distractions and illnesses. Illnesses can be anything from indigestion to sleep apnea. So, if you think your life isn't that stressful, you may want to talk to your doctor about possible medical causes.

My Pillow Pets

The distractions I mentioned usually include things like a snoring spouse, car headlights shining in the windows or a pet jumping on or off the bed or making other noises in the room. Most of those are easy to fix. Simply shut the shades, put the pet's bed in another room and get the spouse an over the counter snoring treatment.

Why Do You Toss and Turn in Your Sleep?

Stress is a little harder to fix. If you're not sleeping because of stress, the best thing to do is develop a calming pre-bed routine. Take a hot bath before bed. Follow it with a calming cup of tea or a meditation session or anything else that you find relaxing. If you think good, relaxing thoughts, you should sleep much better.

Why Do You Toss and Turn in Your Sleep?

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