Saturday, December 10, 2011

My Car Has A Recall - Do I Really Need To Have It Done?

I got a recall notice from my car dealer that said there is a recall due on my car. I don't have the time to have it done. And anyway my car is running fine. Do I really have to have it done?

First, all recalls are related to safety issues with your vehicle. So if your car needs a recall and you don't have it done, you are driving an unsafe car. The recall could be for a steering problem, a problem with your brakes, a fire hazard or dozens of other system failures.

My Pillow Pets

Sometimes recalls don't seem to match the safety issue statement above. A recent recall for 2009 and 2010 dodge trucks was to Reprogram HVAC Control Head and Inspect/ReplaceActuators. The HVAC Control Head is your heater/defroster and air conditioner controls. Heating/defrosting and air conditioning, what dose that have to do with safety issues? Well just think about it for a minute. You're driving down the road on a hot humid summer night and your A/C stops working, no air flow, no sound. A small problem, so you just roll down the windows. Everything is fine. A few miles down the road it starts to rain. You roll up the windows and what happens next is a big problem. The windshield starts to fog up. No heater/defroster or A/C, you can't see where you are going, that's a big safety issue.

My Car Has A Recall - Do I Really Need To Have It Done?

So keep that in mind when you get that recall notice from your local car dealer. Take the time to get the recall done. You'll feel better and so will all the other drivers on the road around you.

My Car Has A Recall - Do I Really Need To Have It Done?

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