Saturday, December 10, 2011

My Pillow Pets Splashy Whale

One animal that you do not see a lot of stuffed animals of would be whales. There are probably a lot of reasons for this, but they are an animal that some children really like. That has led to companies like My Pillow Pets creating a My Pillow Pets Splashy Whale. This fun item is becoming really popular with children because of its great looks, and it uniqueness. Here is the basic information you will need to know about this item to decide if you would be interested in purchasing one or not.

For starters, the look of this item is fantastic. The body is mostly black with a couple of white patches on it. It has some nice looking fins and a smiling face that kids seem to like. The material it is made from is also very important. It is made from a very soft plush material which kids love, and it also makes this item very soft and cuddly. Those are two things kids love to see in a stuffed animal.

My Pillow Pets

The big thing that kids love about My Pillow Pets is that they can be both a pillow pet and a stuffed animal at the same time. This occurs because of some Velcro on the bottom of the stuffed animal which when attached creates the stuffed animal look. When that Velcro is undone, the stuffed animal instantly turns into a flat pillow that children love to use. This is a simple but unique concept that has really garnered a lot of support, and made these items very popular.

My Pillow Pets Splashy Whale

As for other important information, the My Pillow Pets Splashy Whale is for children ages three and up. There are a few small parts on this stuffed animal, so it is always important to check the recommend ages. This item is also machine washable, which I know parents like because these items do tend to get dirty. They are also very reasonably priced, and an item that is going to last a long time because they are durable. Those are all great factors for parents looking to purchase a stuffed animal.

All of these great qualities have added up to make this one of the more popular items currently on the toy market. These are gift idea for most children, and something that parents do not mind spending a little extra money on. So if you are looking for the perfect stuffed animal for a child you know, this might be one of the best options for you to look at.

My Pillow Pets Splashy Whale

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